Thanks for this, Mark. It seems like a bit of an overreach but you have backing information. Certainly metals cause a great deal of disease.

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Yes, obviously there are other causes of things. Bacteria as an example off the top of my head. But metals and foreign objects wear our bodies down and make us very susceptible to disease. I’m going to be doing a post on foreign objects soon.

If we look back on my life, the processes I describe have happened everytime and all through my life.

Even my epilepsy was caused by metals and removal cured that. My sinus issues were caused by my amalgams too.

I think the only thing that wasn’t was when I would get tonsillitis.

I just wish allopathic medicine and environmental medicine could join forces and play nicely but unfortunately they are two different disciplines and the most important thing for our politicians is protecting industry from liability.

Which is why we all need to spread the word. Because govts certainly won’t tell us.

I think tonsillitis

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