Sep 6, 2023Liked by Mark Kennard

Very interesting and important info!

I like the connections you make and how you think outside the box and explore. You help the humanity progress which is in my opinion one of the main purposes of life. So thanks for adding more pieces to the puzzle.

I will also add some of my pieces for discussion. And I'm sorry, this is also a lot of thinking out loud and freestyle, so feel free to delete.

1) Addiction

I agree that the cause of addiction is very often a chronically intoxicated person coping with his misunderstood symptoms by abusing more toxic substances to suppress these unplaesant symptoms of Toxemia . And by removing the cause (very often Allopathic tools of trade consequences as you nicely expose) his symptoms might disappear altogether. But for a person to fully detox and become symptomless it's from my experience not at all as simple, because:

the elephant in the room, the most common cause of Toxemia, the one legal drug to rule them all is what most people consume daily - narcotic toxic food. Cooking food creates toxic compounds, these feed Toxemia and stop/slow the body from trying to detox. Most people walk with decades of these toxic wastes in them and it's not as simple as to just remove the cause. Major detox is needed, which leads me to:

The most effective & deepest detox

From my experience and research, there is no better healing/cleansing/detox tool (along with removing the causes) other than long-term water-fasting. It was quite a reality check when I did my first 7 days fast and after just few days I had major (heavy metals) detox symptoms. My tongue was white, both my sweat and urine smelled like heavy metals, it was crazy. I thought I was pretty healthy, but once I let my body switch to this natural self-healing physiology via fasting, I got a reality check.

I learned that I misrepresented signals of my body of what I thought was hunger (stomach cramps, tiredness, headaches, irritation...) which was actually the body trying to heal itself and calling for a detox/cleanse.

Now, few years later, I did even more and longer fasts and still had tons of toxins to eliminate, still far from optimal health (note that from medical causes I only had few basic vaccines early in life, rest probably just pollution, toxic food/drink accumulation) And from watching people in fasting centers I'm not an isolated case. Because for an average person to fully detox it takes multiple long-term fasts. I'm saying this because some people may wonder why even after removing the cause they still might have some symptoms. And also because there's levels to health. There are actually very few people on Earth that reached optimal health - that is a completely symptomless and rehydrated state.

Another cause of addiction can be simply lack of meaningful purpose. I feel like there's a real pandemic of that, because of where the current society is heading - materialism, individualism and other anti-human traits being promoted. That of course feeds the need to "fill the void" with toxic substances which then becomes a vicious circle.

2) Disease

I also want to point out the "disease scam". The allopathic system of labeling diseases. You sure know, that misdiagnoses are prevalent, but do you realize to what extent?

Symptoms sure are real, but what they do is they label these symptoms as *insert diagnosis* to make you think you now have this "disease" so that in fear you give them your authority (and of course to push various agendas, be it pandemics, new drugs etc). The idea of "disease" is that some "entity", some germ or "virus" or some fraudulent genetics narrative, has "hacked" your body/compromised your "immune system" and caused your symptoms. When in reality it's just your body dealing with being poisoned. The manifestations of this poisoning is as you say both physical and mental. They constantly try to misdirect the real cause to some boogeyman or "brain chemical imbalance" or the new popular "DNA" idea to continue their dirty business.

I'm also saying this because since their concept of "disease" is a scam, so are the diagnostic tools/tests. There are no legitimate tests for any mental/physical "disease" really. It's just about what is currently trending, what pseudotest you use, who diagnoses you, etc. There's an everincreasing list of "diseases" but the number of symptoms remain the same! You can test this incompetent system by getting diagnosis from multiple "experts" from multiple "countries". They will all say something else and all of their solution will be to try to "poison you to health". Lol.

So It's important to have this mind before throwing their diagnoses left and right, because it still kinda gatekeeps for this system in my opinion. If you tell person with symptoms he has this "ADHD, depression, Covid, Cancer," etc. He might often not get the full picture. So I say it's equally important to detach from this fraudulent disease system and rather focus on the symptoms, removing causes and giving the body better enviroment to heal/detox itself. But you do already do that by saying things as "no such thing as mental illness", I just say it differently, because yours will definetly trigger many people.

3) Psychology

is often a self-fulfilling prophecy. You tell people they have a disorder based on few questions or other questionable diagnostic tools and vulnerable people begin to change their behavior based upon the characterestics of that disorder and they even use it as an identity and a crutch.

My point here is also that it's not just sick people being mistreated, but also healthy people using fraudulent diagnosis as an excuse! Choosing being a victim of a "disorder" is much easier than to take responsibility and for example "reprogram" your unhealthy coping mechanisms which takes effort.

Hope this was useful, take care.

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The whole psychology thing is a scam in my opinion. Theirs is an attempt to interpret things as they apply to their specialty but it doesn’t mean they are right about anything.

The self fulfilling prophecy is the psychiatrist telling patients their symptoms are all imaginary when they aren’t.

Psychiatrists have created that illusion to justify their pseudoscience.

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Feb 7Liked by Mark Kennard

Hello Mark ! I'm glad I found you . I reread your post during the actual day so my comments will be at least partially cogent ! All is well !

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